The Wingert Family

Jarom, Jewly, Saige, Savy, Lucas and Levi

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Gym!

As of yesterday I started working out again. I was really good about going to the gym last Summer. Then school started and I enjoyed the one on one time with Savannah and didn't want to spend it at the gym, so I quite in August. Now it is too cold to play outside and Saige isn't in school anymore, so I decided to start going to the gym again. It is good for me and gets us out of the house 5 days a week. I bought some new running shoes and love them. My goal is simple go 5 days a week doing 1 hour of cardio(class, treadmill or elliptical) and 2 days of weights. We will see how long I can keep it up this time.


Kasey said...

It's always fun getting new shoes! I've been working out regularly for the past 3 weeks. Not always at the gym because it's hard for me to get there sometimes. But I'm feeling good and have more energy. That's so what I need!

Maren said...

I don't know why I'm not motivated by anyone else, but whenever I see your posts about working out, it makes me want to get on a better workout schedule! Maybe because your goals are actually achievable.

aprilalexus said...

I really am gonna start going with you I need to whip my butt into shape before summer gets here.I just need a little shove to get me started!! LOL

Norris Family said...

keep us updated

nikki said...

Good for you - love the new kicks!